中央研究院 所(处)、研究中心聘(雇)用契约书
Employment Agreement (with contribution benefit )
中央研究院 所(处)(以下简称甲方)为应业务需要,聘(雇)用 先生(女士)(以下简称乙方)为约聘(雇)人员,双方订立契约条款如左:
This Agreement is made and entered into on the _______ day of ________ , ________ by and between __________________ ( Institute or Preparatory Office ), Academia Sinica ( hereinafter referred to as “A” ) and ____________ ( hereinafter “B” ).
Whereas, A is willing to offer B employment, and B is willing to accept such employment subject to the following terms and conditions:
一、聘(雇)用期间:自 年 月 日起至中华民国 年 月 日止。
1. Term of Employment
The parties agree that the term of this agreement shall be commencing from this _________ day of ________ , _________ to the _______ day of _______ , _________ .
二、聘(雇)用报酬:甲方按月支给乙方报酬 薪点(折合新台币 元)。
2. Remuneration
A shall pay B a salary of N.T.$____________ per month.
3. B’s duties ( in specific description )
B’s duties shall include __________________________________________________________________