The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.
雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。 render 较 give 正式;
Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.
甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回的旅费。 repatriate 较 send back 正式;
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.
本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较 explain, interpret 正式;
The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.
董事长可以根据过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene, interim 都是正式用词。
hereafter = after this time; 今后
hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此
herein = in this; 此中,于此
hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文
thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来
thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方面
therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上
thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文
whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个
wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上
看起来头晕眼花吧?偷偷告诉你一个小窍门,here 代表 this,there 代表 that,where 代表 what/which,就容易记多了。
合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为“应”、“应该”、“必须”; will无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为“将”、“原”、“要”;should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如“万一”。如:
This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.
This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.